INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING ALTIS 1 FEB 2016 CLASSIFIED RED. FOR TEAMS EYES ONLY. AGENTS status: Most likely still alive as their cover should last at least a few more days. The rebels cant be sure of what they have yet but time is of the essence. Location is unknown but they are likely hidden in some remote area under heavy guard. Rescued operatives should be kept restrained until their identity can be confirmed. CODENAME Mainstay: Not much is known about the illusive rebel leader. His location will have to be tracked down through the rebel network. The partial information available is that he most likely has a background in the Hellenian army as an EOD specialist, likes to dress in a black leather jacket and black trainers with white stripes. Carries an unusual weapon, a VSS Vintorez of russian make. Approach with caution and eliminate on sight. OPPOSING forces: The rebels are all locals from different social groups. Military experience differs from untrained recruits to former military personnel with actual combat experience. Groups are appearing in strengths of 4-30 rebels and are estimated to around 800 on Altis alone.Armaments consist of mixed small arms of NATO origin, mostly carbines, machineguns, MANPADS and RPGs. Some heavier russian equipment has been reported, mostly dShkas on vehicle mounts, a few ZSU flatbed platforms and a rumour circulates that they have one or two working ZSU-23 anti aerial platforms. The agency is currently tracking down the suppliers. Threat to air ops is considered HIGH until elimination of AA threat can be confirmed. CAS and SPECTRE support will not be available. GREEK forces: Only present at the airfield and FOBs for now. No patrols are sent for fear of IEDs and the Greek government are unwilling to escalate the military presence on Altis at this time. One infantry company is currently dividing its platoons between the FOBs and the Governors protective detail. CIVILIANS: Only women and children have been allowed to evacuate Altis. An estimated 4000 civilian men of military age are still present all over the countryside and in the villages. Signed: CIA field analysis group Altis - Mediterranean divison.